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RespOrg Tools And Software/API


As you may already know, every toll free number in the United States and Canada is controlled by a central database called SMS/800.  SMS/800 is the system responsible for managing toll-free numbers across the industry. Its primary responsibility is to assign toll-free numbers and route the numbers to one or more carriers. Each company that interacts with SMS/800 is given one or more Resp Orgs. Each Resp Org is allowed to reserve, spare, give away or route toll-free numbers.

Toll-free numbers are routed to one or more carriers on the telephone network through records that define the carrier selection process. These records can be activated immediately or scheduled for a future date/time. When a record is ready to be activated, SMS/800 loads the record onto one or more SCPs (Service Control Point). An SCP is a point on the telephony network that tells the network what carrier is handling traffic for this toll-free number.

SMS/800 has three interfaces through which clients may interact. The first two are user interfaces: the 3270 legacy interface and the web interface. The third interface is an application programmer interface (API) known as the Mechanized Generic Interface (MGI).  Worldlink RespOrg Services has developed such an MGI tool to dramatically simplify the management of your toll free numbers within the SMS/800 system.

Whether you are telecommunications carrier/provider, an Independent third party Resp Org or a large user of toll free numbers, Worldlink RespOrg Services has an MGI service for you.  If your Toll Free Number Management requirements range from the hundreds to the hundreds of thousands, Worldlink RespOrg Services has a solution tailored for your specific requirements. 

How it Works

If you are familiar with either the 3270 legacy interface or web based access (WBA), you know how slow and tedious the process is.  A user may only act on one number at a time. Performing actions such as a changing the Resp Org of a number, record activation (a CAD), complex routing (a LAD and CPR) disconnecting and sparing a number and other related actions must be completed one number at a time.

Because Worldlink RespOrg Services is an MGI client of SMS/800, our MGI provides significant benefits and overall value to your organization.  Toll free number management is much easier, faster and more accurate. For example, if you are a carrier or large Resp Org, what used to take days or weeks now takes minutes.

Instead of the one-number-at-a-time process, the Worldlink RespOrg Services MGI utilizes number lists and routing templates that allow initiation of batch number processing that dramatically simplifies all aspects of number provisioning, routing and management; from simple CAD up to CPR with a LAD. 

Lists may be uploaded or downloaded from the Worldlink MGI.  Routing templates are saved in the system allowing for simple retrieval and use for the same or a different list of numbers.  For example, a client adds a new list of numbers with the same type of routing requirements.  Or worse, a network issue requires urgent new routing arrangements to be implemented.  An emergency becomes much more manageable.

Service Levels

Because of the variability of requirements between an end user with perhaps hundreds of toll free numbers up to a telecommunications carrier/provider with hundreds of thousand of toll free numbers, Worldlink RespOrg Services has a tailored MGI Service Level plan for you.

Worldlink RespOrg Services provides three different platforms for you to choose from.  They are:

  1. Shared/Service Bureau platform in our datacenter
  2. Dedicated platform in your datacenter
  3. Private platform in our datacenter

To best serve you specific MGI requirements, please call toll free, 877-434-TOLL (8655).